
Best Trending Thumbnail For Your Article, Posts, Website, Blog or Youtube

Best Trending Thumbnail For Your Article, Posts, Website, Blog or YouTube

  Firstly we recommend you use PC Photoshop to Creating trending thumbnail because various options available to make grate and best thumbnail for your YouTube, website, blog, post, or article. in this topic we cover in  Background, Content Thumbnail or Image with Content Thumbnail.
  •  Background
  Background has main role in your thumbnail because every thing could be fine with best background. We recommend you use Gradients background for your thumbnail at that time you use gradients background but its old type we recommend use latest type gradients look like below the image. 

  •  Types of Thumbnail  ( Mostly two Type )
  1. Content Thumbnail
  2. Image With Content Thumbnail 
  • Content Thumbnail 
You want make thumbnail use only content so first what's your topic and what you want show your thumbnail there is three types of content thumbnail.
  1. Content Heading
  2. Slogan or Sub Content
  3. Footer
  • Content Heading
content heading you most be use which topic you choice and which word you highlights in thumbnail that way pic correct word and put your head section like below the image  
  and Heading must be bold and font size bigger then other content and make should be first Character is capital then small all word not be use each word capital because thumbnail not show good but you must want use each word capital you can use. Try minimum words in Heading section content.

  • Slogan or Sub Content
Slogan or Sub Content is two different thinks in making trending thumbnail because slogan is use mostly content heading section like below image

and sub content is separate part in Thumbnail do you want use slogan your thumbnail so choices creative or effective slogan your thumbnail and must be use exactly after heading section most be use first capital and other small word and minimum words. When you use any slogan your thumbnail its must be smaller then heading content because slogan is describer your post, article or videos what you gives your visitors or viewers.

  • Footer
In this section its not compulsury to use but when you use only content in your thumbnail so must be use. There is use term & condiction or your logo which describe your video, post, article or blog website with minimum word like bellow the image.

  • Image with Content Thumbnail
Content with image thumbnail is best way to present your post , article or videos because content with image looking is best for viewers and visitor to attract. When you use both other is same think content heading, slogan or sub content or footer with use image. when you use content with image should be know content similor image most be use other wise you also use own image then see best tending thumbnail is ready look like this. 

Thank You !!!

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